
Thickeners — or Clarifiers, 根据应用-可用于立即回收可重复使用的工艺水, as well as extract fines and other materials. Thickeners are used by mineral and aggregate producers, 以及废水管理等行业的环境承包商, to separate solids from liquid in a slurry.

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Thickener Models


For instance, 增稠剂可用于水供应短缺或非常昂贵的地方, providing immediately reusable process water back to the plant. 它们还可用于减小沉降池或尾矿储存设施的规模. When combined with other downstream processing equipment, such as a Filter Press, Thickeners can potentially eliminate settling ponds altogether. 在一些工业中,它们被用作澄清剂,从工艺水中去除矿物质和细粒.

Why McLanahan Thickeners

With McLanahan Thickeners, 生产商可以回收高达90%的水进行再利用,以创造更可持续的运营. They are ideal for sites where water is scarce or expensive. 麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全增稠剂还减少了报告浪费的材料数量. 这使得生产商可以减少其沉淀池或尾矿储存设施的规模, which can be expensive and dangerous to maintain, 引起许可问题,并可能覆盖可开采储量.  

大多数麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全增稠机(但不是全部)采用低轮廓耙设计与或不脱水桩, 耙驱动由液压动力组或直接耦合机电齿轮箱提供动力. 基于计算流体动力学(CFD)建模的现代馈井设计确保了絮凝剂的最小使用. Optional sensors for monitoring bed level, 下流密度和溢流浊度确保最佳运行. 

Types of Thickeners

McLanahan offers a range of thickener types, including  High-RateUltra RakelessHigh-Density and Paste, that are tailored to an individual application. 它们可以作为独立的解决方案或与其他设备结合使用.


High-Density Thickeners

高密度增稠剂排出的底流泥浆屈服应力在50- 100pa之间., which can be pumped with a centrifugal slurry pump. 它们通常的特点是具有较高的侧壁以提供增强的压缩效果, 更陡的底板坡度有助于将固体移至卸料区,低轮廓耙结构与尖桩相结合,加强床层脱水. High-Density Thickeners are available with on-ground, flat-bottom tanks or elevated tanks, 哪一种能缩短抽气管线,降低抽气要求. 

More On High-Density Thickeners

High-Rate Thickeners

高速率增稠剂用于骨料和采矿业, as well as environmental contractors, to recover approximately 85% of water for reuse. 这种高水平的水回收使水消耗保持在可持续的水平, 以及大幅减少泥浆体积报告到废物池. 他们使用最少量的絮凝剂来快速沉淀悬浮在泥浆中的颗粒, making High-Rate Thickeners environmentally friendly. High-Rate Thickeners can be supplied with flat-bottom, on-ground tanks or elevated tanks, 哪种泵的吸油管线较短,可以降低堵塞的风险. 

More About High-Rate Thickeners

Paste & Ultra Rakeless Thickeners

膏体增稠剂仅靠重力就能达到最高的固体浓度, 最大水回收率高达90%,排出的泥浆屈服应力大于150pa. Because of high percentage of solids in the mud, 生产商可以大大减少其沉淀池或尾矿储存设施的规模. 膏体增稠机的特点是具有高侧壁和陡峭的底板斜坡,以帮助泥浆的压缩效果. 耙桩系统由坚固的驱动器驱动,有助于在泥床上形成脱水通道, allowing further compaction of the mud. The Ultra Rakeless Thickeners (ULT) is similar, 但特点是更深的泥床和更陡峭的地面斜坡,以帮助压缩泥浆,而不使用耙子. 

More About Paste & ULT Thickeners

Frequently Asked Questions About Thickeners

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要确定应用程序的正确增稠剂,请执行以下操作 laboratory tests should be undertaken:

  • Feed characterization
  • Settling flux to establish the optimum solids for maximum rate
  • 在最佳固体条件下进行静态圆柱体试验,以确定自由沉降率 
  • Dynamic cylinder testing to confirm an acceptable flux rate
  • Extended deep tube testing to determine mud residence times
  • Yield stress (rheology) curve to confirm required rake torque 
  • Indicative flocculant and/or coagulant dose

Subsequent to laboratory testing, a pilot plant test can be used to demonstrate viability at a larger scale; however, McLanahan可以在实验室测试工作的基础上提供过程保证. 

提升装置是与驱动头相连的机械附件,可将增稠机的整个耙机构从泥床中抬起. While not always necessary, 耙式举升通常用于提供一些防止增稠器陷入泥潭的保险. 进料或絮凝条件是否改变,过程控制工具是否不足或无效, 一旦测量到预设的驱动扭矩,耙升就会被编程激活. 假定驱动扭矩由于泥浆厚度的增加而增加. By lifting the rake mechanism out the thick mud, 作业者可以争取一些时间,在前倾驱动失速之前处理条件的变化. Watch How A Thickener Works to see how the rake lifts when torque conditions are high. 

在浓密机中,给料井的作用是在合适的剪切条件下混合浆料和絮凝剂,以促进最快的自由沉降. 它的目的是将水平进料动量转化为温和的垂直运动. 实现适当的速度和剪切条件对于最小化聚合物消耗至关重要. 进料井可以自动或强制稀释浆液进料,以获得测试程序中确定的最佳固体水平. Watch How A Thickener Works 观察进料井如何混合和分配浆料颗粒. 

Thickener costs vary due to the wide range of duties and styles. Please consult your local McLanahan representative to identify the most cost-effective option for your application.

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.

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